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Rules of Engagement

The forum is an opportunity to communicate with other teams. The purpose is to facilitate team-to-team collaboration, not to reach NASA, Challenge Judges, or Ensemble. Please reach out to for in-depth Challenge-related questions.


This project strives to establish a diverse global community working together towards a common goal – advancement of scientific knowledge. Our goal is to create and maintain a welcoming, safe, collaborative, and supportive environment for everybody, regardless of scholarly or professional background, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, race, age, economic background, country of origin or employment, religion, and other differences.

1. We listen
We begin interactions by remembering that we are part of a community with common goals.

  • We listen to each other.
  • For active listening, we ask questions first, instead of making statements.
  • We give people time and space to respond.

2. We make efforts to converge in a common space.

  • We all need to make efforts to maintain respectful communication in all directions.
  • We encourage you to not use all capital letters when communicating or internet acronyms (such as ‘LOL’) as they may not be globally understood.
  • Strive to use simple language while explaining scientific concepts
  • Be concise and clear in your inquiries.
  • In group forum communications, do not send spurious one-line responses that can effectively “spam” hundreds of people

3. We follow guidelines of online community behavior.

  • Online modes of interaction involve large numbers of people without the helpful presence of gestural, expression, and tonal cues regarding consent.
  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • Do not use aggressive, disrespectful, mocking, and off-color tones in your posts.
  • Communicate openly and thoughtfully with others.
  • Be considerate of the multitude of views and opinions that are different from yours.
  • Be respectful and thoughtful in your critique of ideas.
  • Speak your own narrative, from your own unique experiences. Do not speak for others.

4. We do not tolerate harassment or shaming in any form.
Online modes of interaction involve large numbers of people without the helpful presence of gestural, expression, and tonal cues regarding consent.

  • Harassment and intimidation, including any verbal or written conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces a community member.
  • Discrimination based on gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, national origin, or culture.
  • Verbal abuse of any community member.
  • Use of nudity and/or inappropriate images on the website.
  • Uploading photos of others on the website without their consent.
  • Disrespectful disruption of a discussion.